
The goal of The Arts Facet is to produce and support programs to enrich the quality of life of our youth and communities through educational and engaging art experiences while Transforming Communities, Fulfilling Our Purpose.


A Young Docent Is Needed

February 11, 2023

Ten students and one golden senior were our Perfect Docents for the day. A Perfect Docent is not someone who can tell you everything about a work of art and lecture to visitors about the piece. But a docent is someone who does four main things.

    • Engages the viewer with a work by pointing characteristics out

    • Asks open-ended questions about the work

    • Understands how the museum is organized

    • Should be able to look at any work of art and talk about its 

The docents kept us engaged and focused on their piece of art.  They were great facilitators and it was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.

An Evening at the Ballet

December 4, 2022 

We had when twenty-eight of us got together (students & parents, seasoned seniors, and the arts committee) and had a wonderful afternoon enjoying The Nutcracker Ballet at the DEYOR on Sunday, December 4th.  The ballet was our third field trip where we hoped to view several of the steps and techniques (basic foot movements, battement, travelling, and flat back) that we had learned in our Modern Dance workshops (October & November).  We did see these techniques and more. The ballet was excellent, and we were able to see ourselves reflected on stage in the form of five leading ballerinas.  They were the Columbine Doll, Lead Angel, Arabian, and the Spanish Lead. 

After the ballet we had a delicious dinner at the Bistro 1907, Youngstown, OH where we sat for several hours discussing the ballet and enjoying each other’s company.  Everyone stated they had a wonderful time, and it was very a relaxing, pleasant, and enjoyable evening.   

Special thanks to the Tasoulis Family LLC for sponsoring our outing. 

P.S. The Warm Chocolate Butter cake at The Bistro is to die for! 


Alvin Ailey II

October 17, 2022 

It was Bold and Beautiful! The piece was very energetic and full of color. All 25 of us sat spellbound.  What a wonderful way to spend an evening.  We looked at the performance with our new formed knowledge learned at our Modern Dance Workshop on October 15th hoping to see some of the steps and techniques. 

We were by no means disappointed.  We loved it!   

Our Alvin Ailey II outing was sponsored by Community Bus Services, Inc. 


National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

 Saturday, May 14, 2022

On Saturday May 14, 2022 we took fifteen fourth and fifth grade students along with nineteen adults on a bus trip to the Salem Historical Society.  Upon arrival we took tour of the Underground Railroad sights on a trolley that was guided by a Docent.  We visited the private homes of people who were part of the movement. After the trolley ride we walked to Freedom Hall which had many historical artifacts and a safe room for slaves.  We ended our trip with lunch and a visit to the onsite bookstore/gift shop.  The day was enjoyed by all. 


Services to Youth


Health & Human Services